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  1. The University council
  2. The administrative council
  3. The conference of administrative directors
  4. The conference of academic directors
  5. The committee for University Administration Fund
  6. The committee for monitoring the budget
  7. The committee for proposal reviewing project proposal
  8. Any urgent or unscheduled meeting
  9. The drafting of the by-laws of the above councils

Processing Official Documents

  1. Handles the president’s confidential documents and telecommunications
  2. Reviews and responds to important documents from various units of the University
  3. General processing of documents from various units of the University

Public Relations

  1. Preparing announcements for news conferences
  2. Contacting and coordinating the media
  3. Reception of foreign guests and visitors

General Affairs

  1. Planning and implementing important University resolutions
  2. Tasks assigned by the president
  3. Processing important plans and resolutions submitted by various units of the University
  4. Recording important events of the University
  5. Collecting and compiling materials related to the history of the University
  6. Handling common documents
  7. Filing and classifying common documents
  8. Handling the routine works

Use of the Seals of the University

  1. Use of the seals of certificates
  2. Use of the seals of contracts
  3. Use of the seals of application forms
  4. Use of the seals of tender documents


  1. Promoting and coordinating office automations
  2. Coordinating various units in dealing with administrative business

Secretary General

  • Prof. Li
  • Email: iris@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10200
  • Duties:
    • Administering the secretariat works
    • Planning and implementing the important policies
    • Promoting and coordinating automatic administrative system
    • Convening meetings

Senior Secretary

  • Ms. Xu
  • Email: admwlh@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10201
  • Duties:
    • Examining official documents of all departments
    • Managing performance evaluation of directors
    • Promoting Greening University affairs
    • Administrative performance evaluation
    • Promoting and evaluating the automatic administration system
    • Sealing checks and items in custody
    • Managing the use of the official seal for purchasing, maintaining, and academic-industry cooperative project contract documents, every type of certificate, and others who apply for the use of the official seal
    • Recording momentous events of the university
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Project Staff

  • Mr. Yang
  • Email: admyan@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10204
  • Duties:
    • Promoting ODF and providing consulting services
    • Organizing the affairs of promoting intellectual property protection
    • Maintaining the webpage of public information
    • The point of contact for personal information protection
    • Organizing Greening University affairs
    • Sending and receiving the e-mail and electronic documents of the Secretariat Office
    • Building, maintaining, and updating the home page of the Secretariat Office
    • Dealing with the purchase requisition and expense reimbursement of the Secretariat Office
    • Guiding the student-workers in the Secretariat Office, managing their wages, and claiming reimbursement
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Division Director

  • Ms. Wang
  • Email: admwjw@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10202
  • Duties:
    • Coordinating business within the division
    • Controlling the fund of the division
    • Affixing official seals to purchase requisitions and verifications of more than ten thousand Taiwan dollars
    • Petition cases related to civil service ethics
    • The detailed chart of responsibilities delegated to the whole university at different levels
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Executive Officer

  • Ms. Wang
  • Email: admwsj@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10208
  • Duties:
    • Undertaking the affairs of administrative staff of the Committee on Gender Equity Education
    • Handling sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying cases
    • Undertaking the affairs of administrative staff of schoolwide internal controls
    • Personal information protection affairs of the division
    • Property management of the division
    • Temporary assignments from directors


  • Mr. Chen
  • Email: admjuichun@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10203
  • Duties:
    • Undertaking the affairs of administrative staff of University Affairs Meetings, Administrative Affairs Meetings, Meetings of Examination Committee of Law, and University Endowment Fund Management Committee Meetings
    • The affairs of administrative staff of other extraordinary meetings and coordinative meetings
    • Maintaining the affairs of administrative staff in the division as a concurrent assistant
    • Processing the documents received related to the university endowment fund
    • Processing incoming documents of the Secretariat Office
    • The administrative affairs related to the updating and confirmation of laws and regulations of all units in the university
    • The first substitute of affixing official seals to purchase requisitions and verifications of more than ten thousand Taiwan dollars
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Project Staff

  • Ms. Hu
  • Email: admhth@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10207
  • Duties:
    • Organizing annual financial planning report of university endowment fund, quarterly performance report, and annual performance report
    • Undertaking the affairs of administrative staff of University Endowment Fund Investment Management Group
    • Undertaking the affairs of administrative staff of University Endowment Fund Investment Working Group
    • Reviewing and making suggestions on the legal process of new (revised) legislative proposals in the University Affairs Meetings, Administrative Affairs Meetings, and University Endowment Fund Management Committee Meetings
    • The second substitute of affixing official seals to purchase requisitions and verifications of more than ten thousand Taiwan dollars
    • Supervising the student-workers in the division
    • Processing the documents received related to state compensation
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Division Director

  • Ms. Huang
  • Email: admmsh@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10220
  • Substitute: Ms. Shen
  • Duties:
    • Formulating rules and regulations related to document processing and archives management
    • Planning the process of informatization and paperless operation of document processing and file management
    • Supervising the affairs of sending and receiving all kinds of documents and mails as well as archives management
    • Proofreading, official sealing, and encapsulating the official documents to be sent
    • Communication and coordination of the assignment of letters of transmittal
    • Writing all work reports
    • Compiling statistics of energy conservation, paper saving, and official document sending and receiving
    • Supervising affairs related to personal information protection and internal control in the division
    • Assisting in the evaluation of document processing and filing time
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Executive Officer

  • Ms. Shen
  • Email: admlih@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10225
  • Substitute: Ms. Huang
  • Duties:
    • Processing the incoming documents for the entire university
    • Scanning and registering document numbers of official documents in paper type
    • Assigning electronic and paper official documents
    • Affairs related to personal information protection and verification as well as internal control
    • Group property management
    • Webpage management
    • Assisting in project planning of electronic official document system for document integration
    • Assisting in the registration and distribution of incoming documents without document numbers
    • Handling foreign mails and unidentified mails
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Project Staff

  • Ms. Tian
  • Email: admtlm@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10221
  • Substitute: Ms. Li
  • Duties:
    • Functional planning of electronic official document system
    • Maintaining electronic official document exchange platform
    • Sending and reviewing outgoing documents of electronic official document exchange system
    • Putting the electronic documents of the university into the system and checking the reading record of the recipients
    • Archives inventory
    • Confidential file management and declassification
    • Confirming the extension period of incoming documents
    • Checking backlog when assistants leave
    • Dispatching electronic documents of College Admissions Committee
    • Assisting in proofreading and printing voluminous documents
    • Assisting in official documents inspection
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Project Staff

  • Ms. Li
  • Email: sharon@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10221
  • Substitute: Ms. Tian
  • Duties:
    • Compiling archives classification number and records retention schedules
    • Handling registration, cataloging, deposit, and other matters
    • Disposition, destruction, and transfer of archives
    • Custody, inspection, and destruction of accounting documents
    • Regularly sending current archive catalog
    • Managing and investigating government agency records
    • Checking backlog when staffs leave
    • Official documents creation and document number acquisition
    • Accepting official documents inspection
    • Archival custody (including statistics of the number of official documents, maintenance of official documents, and archival repository safety management)
    • Information announcement of archives exhibitions
    • Management and backup of electronic archives
    • Archives management function development of electronic official document system
    • Correcting and dealing with the errors in historical archives
    • Foreign guests’ visiting activities of archives
    • Handling the acquisition and appraisal of archives
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Technical Worker

  • Ms. Huang
  • Email: admhsc@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10226
  • Substitute: Ms. Li
  • Duties:
    • Printing the documents dispatched inside and outside the university
    • Proofreading the documents dispatched inside and outside the university
    • Receipt, filing, and classification of official documents
    • Telephone expediting for the time limit of filing official documents
    • Assisting in documents dispatching and number acquisition
    • Writing off the wages of the student-workers in the division
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Technical Worker

  • Mr. Wu
  • Email: admwu@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10227
  • Substitute: Ms. Liu
  • Duties:
    • Transcribing and delivering the incoming documents without document numbers
    • Registering and distributing paper official documents of the university
    • Handling the postage for sending outgoing official documents (including registration statistics) and documents
    • Delivering the official documents in the file cabinet in the division
    • Stamping the paging seal on contracts and other documents
    • Classification and management of student emails (every semester)
    • Assisting in encapsulating voluminous official documents
    • Temporary assignments from directors

Maintenance Worker

  • Ms. Liu
  • Email: admsll@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10229
  • Substitute: Mr. Wu
  • Duties:
    • Sending and receiving mails (including registered mails and ordinary mails)
    • Sending and receiving all kinds of packages
    • Guiding student-workers to distribute mails (including registered mails and ordinary mails)
    • Managing and maintaining mail system as well as updating information
    • Cleaning up the environment of the division
    • Assisting in sending outgoing official documents, registering documents information, and handling postage
    • Assisting in encapsulating voluminous official documents
    • Temporary assignments from directors


  • Mr. Wang
  • Email: weiniwang@ccu.edu.tw
  • Extension: 10250
  • Duties:
    • Coordinating business within the Media Relations Division

Project Staff

Project Staff

Project Staff

Project Staff

Project Staff

Welcome you to The Secretariat of National Chung Cheng University. If you have any new ideas or would like to give us your advises or suggestions, just contact us. Thank you very much.

E-mail: secretar@ccu.edu.tw

Tel : +886-5-2720402

Fax : +886-5-2720401

Address: 168 University Road, Minhsiung Township, Chiayi County 62102, Taiwan, ROC

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